Thursday, December 05, 2019

Mocked Abroad and Assailed at Home, Trump Returns to Face Impeachment

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Two days in London on the world stage provided him no respite.

WASHINGTON — When times turn tough, presidents can hop on Air Force One to escape the country for a while and stride purposefully across the world stage. But the world stage was not so friendly this week for President Trump, who landed back in Washington on Wednesday night to confront a grim couple of weeks ahead.

Mocked by peers behind his back at a NATO meeting in London, Mr. Trump abruptly canceled a news conference and bolted early, only to fly home to a capital in the throes of judging whether he is fit for office. After hobnobbing with the queen, the president now faces the daunting likelihood that by Christmas he will become the third president impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors. » | Peter Baker | Wednesday, December 4, 2019