Monday, April 06, 2015

David Cameron Declares: ‘Britain Is Still a Christian Country’

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg deliver Easter messages despite being atheists

David Cameron has used his Easter message to the country to declare that Britain is still a Christian country, as he urged the nation to “speak out” over the persecution of the faithful around the world.

The Prime Minister and the other party leaders shared Easter messages - even though some, including Nick Clegg, the Liberal Democrat Deputy Prime Minister, and Labour’s Ed Miliband, are self-proclaimed non-believers.

In his message, Mr Cameron said: “Across Britain, Christians don’t just talk about ‘loving thy neighbour’, they live it out… in faith schools, in prisons, in community groups.

"And it’s for all these reasons that we should feel proud to say, ‘This is a Christian country.’ The church is not just a collection of beautiful old buildings. It is a living, active force doing great works across our country. (+ David Cameron’s Christian message) » | Rosa Prince, Online Political Editor | Sunday, April 05, 2015