Saturday, November 16, 2013

Danger! Tens of Millions Targeted by Email 'Ransom’ Virus

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Internet fraudsters are targetting tens of millions of British customers with a virus which locks computers until the victim pays a £500 ransom

Internet fraudsters are targetting tens of millions of British customers with a virus which locks computers until the victim pays a £500 ransom to be released, the National Crime Agency warned today.

The spammers are particularly aiming the virus - known as ransomware - at small and medium size businesses. It is disguised as an email alert about suspicious payments or invoices.

Once opened the virus 'freezes' the computer and the local network and demands two Bitcoins of internet currency - approximately £536 - to unlock the machine.

The NCA described the 'mass spamming' event as a 'significant risk'. » | Telegraph reporter | Friday, November 15, 2013