Friday, October 25, 2013

It Is A Slow Metabolism After All: Scientists Discover Obesity Gene

THE INDEPENDENT: Mutations in "KSR2" gene prevent cells from processing glucose and fatty acids, scientists find

Obese people who claim they have a “slow metabolism” may have a point after scientists discover a gene that for the first time links being overweight with reduced metabolic activity.

Researchers from Cambridge University found that mutations in a gene known as KSR2 reduce the ability of cells to metabolise glucose and fatty acids, which provide energy.

These gene mutations are also more common in people with severe obesity than in the general, non-obese population, they found.

It has long been suggested that some people may be predisposed to obesity because of a “slow metabolism” but this is the first time that scientists have been able to identify a definite genetic basis for such an idea.

“It was something that most of us didn’t quite believe could happen because there wasn’t much evidence for it until now,” said Professor Sadaf Farooqi of the University of Cambridge.

“Up until now, the genes we have identified that control body weight have largely affected appetite. This gene also increases appetite but it is also causes a slow metabolic rate,” Professor Farooqi said.

“KSR2 is different in that it also plays a role in regulating how energy is used in the body. In the future, modulation of KSR2 may represent a useful therapeutic strategy for obesity and type-2 diabetes,” she said. » | Steve Connor | Science Editor | Thursday, October 24, 2014