Monday, July 08, 2013

Tony Blair Calls for Intervention in Syria

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Tony Blair has criticised the Government’s failure to intervene in the conflict in Syria as he called for a no-fly zone in the region and said Britain should consider arming the rebels in the country.

Mr Blair, the former Prime Minister, said that the civil war in Syria has caused more deaths that the conflict in Iraq since 2003.

“Personally I think we should at least consider and consider actively a no-fly zone in Syria,” Mr Blair told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme.

Mr Blair said: “A refusal to engage, as you see from what’s happening in Syria at the moment, where, after all, as a proportion of the population there’s now been more people that have died in Syria in a civil war that shows absolutely no sign of ending than in the entirety of Iraq since 2003. So, you know, inaction is also a policy and a decision with consequence.” » | Peter Dominiczak, Political Correspondent | Monday, July 08, 2013

My comment:

Old Tone has screwed up the UK and made us bankrupt into the bargain, so now he wants us to use the little money we have left to go and screw up Syria too. The hubris of this codger beggars belief. He is supposed to be a peace envoy for the Middle East, but he's more like a warmonger. Further, there's got to be plenty of money in it for him. This man thinks only of himself and his fortune. We should ignore his advice until such time that we can get him tried in the Hague for crimes against humanity. – © Mark

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