Thursday, May 23, 2013

Woolwich Machete 'Beheading': EDL Leader Tommy Robinson Calls For ‘Feet on the Street’

INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TIMES: Right-wing leader exploits tensions in south London as Muslim Council of Britain condemns 'barbaric act'

Tommy Robinson, leader of the English Defence League, has called for supporters to go to Woolwich after a man was believed to have been beheaded there by apparent Islamic terrorists.

Robinson sent a message to his EDL supporters through his Twitter account, which is run by his second in command.

It said: "Message from Tommy - Feet on the streets anyone want to go to Woolwich contact him/me, he will be there around 9pm."

The controversial anti-Muslim leader made a series of tweets regarding the attack, in which a man, believed to be a soldier, was killed with a meat cleaver and a machete.

"There has to be a reaction by the British public to this attack on one of our brave young soldiers.

"When the f**k is this country and its people going to take the threat political Islam poses seriously?" » | Hannah Osborne | Wednesday, May 22, 2013