Wednesday, May 22, 2013

German Women Should 'Stay at Home and Have Three or Four Children'

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: German women should be encouraged to “stay at home and bring three or four children into the world”, the archbishop of Cologne has declared, rather than relying on immigration to solve the country's demographic crisis.

Cardinal Joachim Meisner compared Angela Merkel’s government’s family policies to Communist East Germany, when he said women who stayed at home were considered “demented”.

Germany, which has the lowest birth rate in Europe, is seeking more workers from crisis-hit countries including Spain to solve its shortage of skilled labour.

In unusually direct criticism of the German chancellor, Cardinal Meisner said: “Where are women really publicly encouraged to stay at home and bring three or four children into the world? This is what we should do, and not – as Mrs Merkel does now – simply present immigration as the solution to our demographic problem.”

In an interview with the Stuttgarter Zeitung the archbishop said Germany should not take away the “youth and future” of Spain and Portugal. » | Jeevan Vasagar, Berlin | Wednesday, May 22, 2013

STUTTGARTER ZEITUNG: „Große Reformen wird es kaum geben“: Köln Die Wunden der Missbrauchsopfer soll ein Glaubensfest Anfang Juni in Köln heilen, sagt Joachim Meisner. Der Theologe beklagt die Gotteskrise und kritisiert die Familienpolitik. Deutschland sterbe aus, habe aber zugleich eine perfekte Gesetzgebung für Abtreibung und dränge die Frauen aus den Familien heraus, um die Produktion zu sichern. » | Michael Trauthig | Montag, 20. Mai 2013

My comment:

The cardinal has spoken an uncomfortable truth. This applies not only to Germany, but also to the West in general. Without more babies, the West will forever be dependent on immigrants, often Muslim immigrants, to fulfil our economic needs. This, in turn, will change the demographic make-up of our countries. It is already happening. We are already being outbred. In the UK, the baby name Muhammad (in all its various spellings) is now more common than Thomas, Richard, or Harry. This is a ticking time bomb. At last someone in the public sphere has spoken some common sense. – © Mark