THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Violent clashes have erupted outside a Cairo cathedral after a Coptic funeral march came under attack, leaving one dead and at least 66 people injured.

Earlier in the day, hundreds of mourners had gathered to mark the death of four Coptic Christians killed in sectarian clashes on Friday night.
The emotional memorial service turned into a protest against President Mohamned Morsi's Islamist-led government, whom mourners accused of failing to protect Egypt's Coptic community.
Crowds chanted "Egypt is our country and we will not leave it" and "the blood of Christians is not cheap. Morsi, you villain".
After the mourners left St Mark's Cathedral in Cairo's Abbiseya district, local residents are reported to have pelted attendees with stones. Members of the predominantly Coptic crowd responded in kind, and gunfire was exchanged outside the cathedral grounds.
As night fell, crowds traded rock fire and molotov cocktails with Copts gathered inside the grounds of the building. The gates to the compound remained shut, opening only to ambulances and those who could prove their Coptic identity by flashing crucifix tattoos at the gatesmen. » | Louise Loveluck | Sunday, April 07, 2013