Out of curiosity, Aroud van Doorn started studying the Koran. The more he read of the Koran, the Sunnah (the customs of the Prophet), and the Ahadith (the sayings of the Prophet), the more convinced he became that Islam is a “wise and beautiful” religion.
Because he has a lot to learn, he feels he has returned to school. He says he is humble, because he is just staring his study of Islam and Arabic. But the more you learn. He says, the better it is.
Having been brought up as a Christian, he says that there are many shared values with Islam. It was easier for him to convert to Islam as an ex-Christian, because he already knew about the prophets and the angels. That discipline is necessary for any religion, he says.
He says that the biggest mistake of non-Muslims concerning Islam is their lack of knowledge and their prejudices. He says: “People should learn more before judging.”
He has full confidence that Allah will help and guide him in the difficulties that will lie ahead for him after his conversion. Read the article in Spanish » | Wednesday, March 13, 2013
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