MAIL ONLINE: Parents forced headmaster to apologise for 'insulting' their faith / Birmingham school has both Muslim students and those of other faiths / All 1,400 students at Moseley School are served Halal meat only
A dinner lady has been sacked for accidentally serving non-halal meat to Muslim students at a multi-faith school.
The incident outraged parents at the 'halal-only' Moseley School in Birmingham, and they have forced the headmaster to apologise for 'insulting' their faith.
The member of staff has been dismissed after the 'unintentional error' on December 12 last year recently came to light.
All 1,400 students at Moseley school are served halal meat, regardless of their religion.
It has not been specified what type of meat was served, but the person responsible for serving the food was dismissed following a disciplinary hearing last Monday.
Parents were informed of the mistake this month, and reacted with outrage, forcing headteacher Carl Jansen to apologise for the ‘unintentional error'.
However, Muslim parents are demanding others be held accountable for the mistake, which they [say] call 'an insult to our faith’.
‘The school have [sic] failed the children,' one parent said yesterday. ‘How did this meal get into the school system to be fed to the children?
‘It's just shocking that dietary requirements haven't been met.' Read on and comment » | Sara Malm | Wednesday, February 20, 2013