Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Julian Assange and Ecuador's President Correa - The World Tomorrow

During Assange's interview with President Correa for his series The World Tomorrow, the two men clearly struck up a bond. Was it during this interview that Assange first got the idea of claiming asylum from a sympathetic Ecuador?

Calling him "my dear Julian", the immediate rapport between Assange and President Correa is obvious. "Are you having fun with this interview Julian? Me too", Correa laughs. Discussion swirls around their mutual mistrust of the USA. "The last thing I'd be is anti-American, however I will call a spade a spade", asserts Correa, as he details his controversial and furious counter-offensive against US interests in Ecuador: after Wikileaks published damning US cables, Correa threw the US ambassador out of the country. "Wikileaks has made us stronger", the president insists. As the colourful interview draws to a close, Correa offers these heartfelt words of comfort to Assange: "Welcome to the club of the persecuted!"

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: When Wikileaks founder Julian Assange met Ecuadorean president Rafael Correa: Julian Assange, who has taken refuge in the Ecuadorean embassy in London, recently interviewed the country's president Rafael Correa for his television show on Russia Today, it has emerged. » | Wednesday, June 20, 2012

WIKI: President Rafael Correa of Ecuador »

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