The former Labour Prime Minister left open the option when he told BBC Radio that he did not want a major job in the EU “at the moment”.
Asked on BBC Radio Four’s World at One if he had would like to be the elected president of the EU, he said: “I think that’s a way, way down the line”.
But he added: “When the European presidency came up last time I would have taken it if the job had been offered, but I’ve no thought of stepping back into politics, European politics, at this moment.”
Tony Blair today questioned the very survival of the euro unless growth is linked to fundamental reform in Europe.
Mr Blair, who wanted to take Britain into the euro during his premiership, said the only long-term solution was for Germany to stand fully behind the single currency. » | Christopher Hope, Senior Political Correspondent | Sunday, June 17, 2012
BBC: Tony Blair says UK must help shape post-crisis Europe: Tony Blair says it is "critical" that the UK helps to shape the political reconstruction of Europe in the wake of the eurozone crisis. » | Sunday, June 17, 2012
MSN: Blair warns of need for reform: Tony Blair has questioned the very survival of the euro unless growth is linked to fundamental reform in Europe. » | Sunday, June 17, 2012
BBC: The World This Weekend » | Sunday, June 17, 2012