Thursday, March 08, 2012

New Dark Age Alert! This 'Modernising' Government Is Turning the Clock Back – to the Violence and Illiteracy of the 18th Century

TELEGRAPH – BLOGS – NORMAN TEBBIT: Very often when I raise my head and mutter, or even shout, that things were arranged better in my young days, I am told that "You can't turn the clock back." It is a way of closing down the discussion. There is then no need to consider whether or not things were better. You just can't put the clock back, so that is that. Francis Maude was at it yesterday, seeking to prevent any discussion of whether or not Conservatives should be in favour of changing the definition of marriage, which has served us across so many cultures and religions so well for so long.

Even before that, I think it was the recent trial of the couple who murderd a little boy because they believed he was a witch that started me thinking about that dishonest way of thinking. Lots of people here in England used to believe in witchcraft, and witches were tortured and burned to death. Such barbarous atrocities were stopped long years ago, but oddly enough it is again the modernisers who have themselves turned the clock back to those days when people believed in witchcraft.

Nor is that all. Once not so very long ago tuberculosis was a widespread fatal disease here. Good public health policies began to overcome TB during the early 20th century; by the 1950s it was almost eliminated, and by the late 1970s just about extinct. Over the last 15 years the clock has been turned back, and TB is now back in our great cities. Read on and comment » | Norman Tebbit | Thursday, March 08, 2012

My comment:

Great blog post! Painful to read! Methinks the best thing to do now is get out of the UK before the ship is completely sunk. What could be done to rescue the UK cannot be done, because people are not free to think anymore. There are too many laws prohibiting this, that, and the other. The rot started when greed was made good. Then NuLabour came along and completely screwed up everything, bringing masses of backward-thinking people into the country. The Coalition is doing next-to-nothing about any of our problems. In this government, there is not a strong man in sight. They're all part of the pretty brigade: image trumps ability; sweet words trump action. – © Mark

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