Thursday, February 23, 2012

Islamic Awareness Week at Portsmouth

UNIVERSITY OF PORTSMOUTH STUDENTS’ UNION: If you read any newspaper it is likely the words associated with the Muslim religion are Extremism, Terrorism, or maybe just Kebabs.

As students, you owe it to yourselves to learn, experience and educate one another about the different faiths and ways of life that are becoming more and more prominent in our society, particularly on campus.

This is why I am so happy to see the Islamic Society of Portsmouth SU introduce Islamic Awareness Week!

Through a variety of different events including a range of lectures, exhibitions and sporting activities it seems as if the Islamic Society of Portsmouth SU have made it their personal mission to spread the true message of Islam on our campus.

This will include a talk on the power of intention, (sincerity in faith)the need for God and even a debate. However, the two topics that have really caught my eye is firstly, the speech that will be given by the world famous Yvonne Ridley. Mrs Ridley will talk about her journey from a ‘Western’ Feminist to becoming ‘Muslim’ Feminist. This lecture tackles the clash of cultures between Islam and the west dealing with many of the misunderstood concepts in the religion including the portrayal of women. » | Godfrey Atuahene Junior | Thursday, February 23, 2012

How Muslims are spreading the word about Islam on our university campuses. At this rate, the West will be Islamized in no time. That ‘New Dark Age’ is dawning faster than one might have thought! – © Mark