Monday, November 14, 2011

German Government Fears New Far-Right Terrorism after Neo-Nazi Killing Spree

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: The German government Monday admitted gross failures by the security services in dealing with a new brand of far-right "terrorism" after revelations of a decade-long killing spree by neo-Nazis.

Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich said it was still unclear whether a small group of extremists who admitted gunning down nine businessmen of foreign origin and a policewoman had a larger network behind them.

"It is deeply troubling that there was no connection made between the murder series across Germany and the far-right scene in Thuringia," the east German state where the group was based, Friedrich told the daily Bild.

"State interior ministers are calling for better co-ordination between police and domestic intelligence on the state level. I strongly back that."

Federal prosecutors launched the probe last week after the discovery of a pistol used in the murder of the nine people in the home of a 36-year-old woman, Beate Zschaepe, a self-confessed neo-Nazi.

Wanted by police for questioning over an armed robbery in the eastern city of Jena on November 4, she had turned herself in after blowing up a rented flat in the eastern town of Zwickau. » | Monday, November 14, 2011

BERLINER MORGENPOST: Hinweise auf weiteren Neonazi-Anschlag in Köln: Die unter Mordverdacht stehenden Thüringer Neonazis sollen für einen weiteren Anschlag in Köln verantwortlich sein. Dabei sei 2001 eine 19-jährige Deutsch-Iranerin durch eine Sprengfalle im Lebensmittelgeschäft schwer verletzt worden. Anhaltspunkte dazu hat die Polizei offenbar auf einer DVD gefunden worden. » | Montag 14. November 2011

BERLINER MORGENPOST: Video “Haftbefehl gegen Beate Z.” hier abspielen

BERLINER MORGENPOST: Video “Döner-Morde Tat von Neonazis” hier abspielen