Sunday, October 09, 2011

Six Dead as Thousands Riot in Cairo's Tahrir Square

THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH: At least six people were killed as fierce clashes erupted between Christians protesting over a recent attack on a church and the Egyptian military on Sunday night.

The dead included four protesters and two soldiers, state media reported, and 40 people were injured in the riots outside the state television building along the Nile in the capital Cairo.

Witnesses said some of the protesters may have snatched weapons from the soldiers and turned them on the military. The protesters also pelted the soldiers with rocks and bottles.

The clashes spread to nearby Tahrir Square and the area around it, drawing in thousands of people. At one point, a group of youths with at least one riot policeman among them dragged a protester by his legs for a long distance.

The protesters, Coptic Christians angry over a recent attack on a church, said their demonstration began as a peaceful attempt to sit in at the television building. But then, they said they came under attack by thugs in plainclothes who rained stones down on them and fired pellets.

"The protest was peaceful. We wanted to hold a sit-in, as usual," said Essam Khalili, a protester wearing a white shirt with a cross drawn on it. "Thugs attacked us and a military vehicle jumped over a sidewalk and ran over at least 10 people. I saw them." » | Sunday, October 09, 2011

AL MASRY AL YOUM: Live Updates: Death toll rises as Copts clash with military » | Sunday, October 09, 2011

THE GUARDIAN: Cairo riots claim 19 lives: Christians protesting attack on church in southern Egypt attacked by armed mobs in latest unrest to hit country » | Associated Press in Cairo | Sunday, October 09, 2011

REUTERS.COM: Twenty three killed as Egyptian Christians, police clash: Twenty three people were killed in Cairo Sunday, the health ministry said, when Christians, some carrying crosses and pictures of Jesus, clashed with military police in the latest sectarian flare-up in a country in political turmoil. » | Dina Zayed and Patrick Werr | Sunday, October 09, 2011

LE MONDE: Egypte : une manifestation de Coptes dégénère au Caire – Une manifestation de Coptes a dégénéré au Caire, dimanche 9 octobre, provoquant la mort de trois policiers selon la télévision publique, et d'au moins seize manifestants selon l'AFP. Les Coptes, qui représentent 10 % de la population égyptienne, accusent des islamistes radicaux d'avoir partiellement démoli une église dans la province d'Assouan la semaine dernière. Ils ont manifesté pourdemander le renvoi du gouverneur à qui ils reprochent de n'avoir pas su protégerleur lieu de culte. » | LEMONDE.FR avec Reuters | Dimanche 09 Octobre 2011

WELT ONLINE: Viele Tote bei heftigen Kopten-Protesten in Kairo: Tausende Christen demonstrieren in Kairo gegen die Zerstörung einer Kirche in Assuan. Bei Zusammenstößen mit Sicherheitskräften kommen mindestens 21 Menschen ums Leben. » | Autor: Maggie Michael | Sonntag 09. Oktober 2011