Saturday, June 11, 2011

Syria: Eyewitness Account of Violence in Jisr al-Shughour

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Syrian helicopters, tanks and troops opened fire on protesters in the northern town of Jisr al-Shughour. Here one resident, Hassan, tells his story.

The situation is very difficult. They came and started to destroy our houses - all the houses where we were living are destroyed. They used tanks.

We are now at the Turkish border, in the mountains, near the border town of Güvecci. There are 3,000 families on the border now.

We, our children and families, we are all together. I am 20 years old and I have three children.

If they attack here, we will cross the border. They are in the city (Jisr al-Shughour) now, and they didn’t come after us.

We don’t have milk for the babies. From the Turkish jandarma (gendarmerie, the Turkish forces guarding the border) we will get milk. Everybody is sick, there is no milk for the babies.

Trouble started a long time ago, but today is the worst. » | As told to Piotr Zalewski, Antakya | Saturday, June 11, 2011