Saturday, June 25, 2011

It’s the Debt Stupid! Don't Be Distracted by Greece: Americans Must Also Face Financial Facts

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: While Europe wrestles with the dilemma of Greek debt, another far more frightening crisis is brewing, writes Justin Webb.

Forget Greece. Or at least put Greece to one side: the real financial disaster waiting to happen is on the other side of the Atlantic. It is a disaster born of self[-]delusion, in a nation that prides itself on plain speaking and openness.

There is much to be celebrated in the United States. They have Osama bin Laden's scalp. They have a vibrant and open political system. The things, material and intellectual, that people want and admire still tend to be American.

But they (and we) face a huge looming crisis. It transcends politics and political candidates – it is much bigger than Michele
Bachmann's hair or Barack Obama's thesaurus – and sometime soon they are going to have to face it.

It's the debt. » | Justin Webb | Saturday, June 25, 2011