Saturday, April 16, 2011

California Set to Teach Gay History and Rights in Schools

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: California is set to become the first US state to require the teaching of gay history and rights.

Children would take lessons on issues affecting gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people, with schools granted discretion about what age to start the lessons.

The law was passed by the state's senate and is likely to pass the assembly easily, which is also controlled by the Democrats, before being signed by Governor Jerry Brown. Read on and comment » | Alex Spillius, Washington | Friday, April 15, 2011

My comment:

I don’t understand all this hullabaloo about homosexuality. It should neither be promoted nor rejected. It should just be accepted. It is, after all, a part of life. There have always been homosexuals, just as there have always been geniuses. They form a small part of the population; so why are people so worried about giving gays their rights?

The homophobia in the comments here is plain to see and reprehensible.

Homosexuality is a perfectly natural sexual condition. It has to be, otherwise it wouldn’t occur in other species. In nature, there are homosexual penguins and dogs and birds. So on what basis can anyone say that it is not natural?

As people, we are inclined to say something is unnatural simply because we don’t like it, and we choose not to partake of that thing. Further, because we need to procreate to survive as a species, heterosexuality has always been the preferred norm. And it is the norm. But that doesn’t make homosexuality unnatural.

Gays have suffered since the beginning of time. They have been bullied and mistreated, and even hunted down and killed. And by whom? By bigots who wrongly believe that the world is here for them, and them alone.

But the fact is that this world has not been created for bigots. There is space in this world for all people. Just give them that space, And show a little compassion. Many homosexuals, I feel sure, wish they weren’t that way.

How would you people feel, I wonder, if you had a homosexual child, or brother, or sister? Wouldn’t you be protective of that person?

The fact is this. If this education programme is neutral – that means to say, it doesn’t promote the homosexual lifestyle, for that would be dumb – if it is there merely to inform the uninformed, and to promote acceptance of people who are different, and can’t help being that way, and if it is there to try and put a stop to all the brutality against gays, then it is to be welcomed. – Mark

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