THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: British men are among the fattest in Europe, while as a nation we do less exercise than almost every other nation on the planet, according to a report by the World Health Organisation (WHO).
The study, into the rise of heart and lung disease, cancer, stroke and diabetes, ranked UK men as the third fattest in Europe, with 67.8 per cent of males 15 or over either overweight or obese.
Only Greece (77.5 per cent) and Malta (73.3 per cent) are fatter.
Globally, British men are the 21st fattest of 192 countries while our women fare much better, at the 51st fattest.
However, contrary to the lean 'Crocodile Dundee' image Australian men like to portray, they are significantly fatter than their British cousins. More than three in four (75.7 per cent) of Australian men are overweight or obese, WHO reported. Read on and comment » | Stephen Adams and Martin Beckford | Wednesday, April 27, 2011