Thursday, April 21, 2011

Bishop John Davies Shines Shoes at Swansea Market

BBC: The Bishop of Swansea and Brecon has run a shoe-shine service at Swansea market for Maundy Thursday.

The Thursday before Easter is acknowledged by Christians as the day of the Last Supper, when Jesus washed the feet of his disciples.

The Right Reverend John Davies said he hoped to symbolically show shoppers the church was there to serve the needs of others.

He was also collecting donations for his Lent appeal.

His good causes are three charities nominated by clerics as they have connections with the diocese.

Bishop Davies said: "It's been pretty busy. Lots of people about. I thoroughly enjoy something like this.

"Maundy Thursday is the day when the Christian church remembers the Last Supper and Jesus sharing that final meal with his disciples.

"Then, after the meal was over, washing their feet as a sign that he was there to serve the needs of others and not sit back and have others serve him. » | Thursday, April 21, 2011