YNET NEWS: Cooking shows ordered to shun Italian, French dishes, highlight Iran's achievements instead
After ridding Iranian universities of "Western subjects," authorities in Tehran are making sure that local cooking shows also adhere to the spirit of the Ayatollah regime.
On Sunday, Iran's broadcasting authority forbade television channels in the country to air cooking shows featuring "Western" dishes. As it turns out, the doze[n]s of official TV stations in Iran currently feature shows that offer their viewers recipes for Italian and French dishes, an apparently grave sin in the Islamic republic.
"Television should show viewers abroad and Persian speakers the great and important achievements of the Islamic revolution," the broadcasting authority's deputy director, Ali Darabi, was quoted as saying as he explained the move. The decision was taken ahead of "Islamic Revolution Day," which will mark the 32nd anniversary of the Persian shah's downfall. >>> Dudi Cohen | Sunday, February 06, 2011