Friday, January 21, 2011

Tunisians Savour Taste of Freedom After Ben Ali Ousted

BBC NEWS AFRICA: A week ago writing an article for the BBC would have been a sacking offence for Tunisian journalists, writes Haykel Tlili - who works for Le Temps paper, owned by the ex-president's son-in-law. Here he assesses how Tunisians are taking to changing times.

Since the overthrow of President Zine al-Abedine Ben Ali last week the people of Tunisia wake up each day in what still seems to be a dream.

Sometimes this turns to a nightmare with the sound of gunfire, something Tunisians are unaccustomed to hearing.
But there is a tangible sense of joy and pride that people feel about the popular uprising.

They are determined not to let what has been dubbed the "Jasmine Revolution" falter as the country accustoms itself to the change of guard.

Change and all that it heralds is being savoured across Tunisia like the smell of the sweet jasmine flower as it opens at night. >>> | Wednesday, January 19, 2011