Sunday, January 09, 2011

Spanish State Television Drops Bullfighting as Too Violent for Children

THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH: Spain's state-run broadcaster has banned the televising of bullfights to protect children.

Bullfighting, Spain
Bullfighting is too violent for children, says the broadcaster. Photo: The Sunday Telegraph

Radiotelevision Espanola [sic] (RTVE) has pledged not to show bullfighting on its channels given that the evening corridas usually occur during peak viewing times for children.

In its latest style book, presented to the parliamentary commission that oversees its mandate, the organisation puts bullfighting under the chapter "violence with animals", a controversial listing given the tradition in Spain. >>> Fiona Govan, Madrid | Sunday, January 09, 2011

Last week, the socialist government of Spain headed up by Zapatero decided to clamp down on smokers, by passing the most draconian legislation against smokers in the whole of the EU (even though Zapatero is himself a smoker). This week, the socialist régime wants to clamp down on bullfighting. Soon there will be nothing left of Spain as we used to know and love it. Political correctness will have destroyed it. Political correctness and socialism. Socialism has a nasty habit of destroying the freedoms of all who have the misfortune to live under it.

I do not endorse bullfighting. I have never been to a bullfight in my life; and nor do I have any intention of attending such a cruel spectator sport. But isn't bullfighting a quintessential spectator sport in Spain? Isn't it part and parcel of Spain's heritage, like fox hunting is part and parcel of Britain's?

Children, by the way, have to be raised in the real world. They have to be raised in the world as it is, and not in the world as it would be were things to be ideal. Only when children are raised in the real world can they ever hope to be able to deal with life as an adult as it really is. Trying to protect them from all and sundry is a great mistake. It is tantamount to trying to bring them up in a vacuum.

Socialists do this kind of thing. They always seem to want to control everything in the environment. It's where they always go wrong.
– © Mark