Saturday, October 02, 2010

Harman’s Equality Act ‘Outlaws Humour’

DAILY EXPRESS: THE death knell has sounded for the risque joke after new equality laws, masterminded by Labour deputy leader Harriet Harman, heralded a new era of political correctness yesterday.

The Equality Act aims to make the law simpler by bringing together nine pieces of legislation under one single banner.

The change was seen as one of the proudest achievements by Ms Harman, dubbed ‘Harriet Harperson’ because of her strong views on equality.

But critics warn the Act will create a legal minefield for businesses with virtually anyone able to sue for anything that offends them.

Under the Act, vegans, teetotallers and atheists are to be given the same protection against discrimination as religious groups – while gypsies and travellers will get special favours because of the “many socio-economic disadvantages” they face.

There is also a provision that extends protection from third-party harassment, meaning employers have a responsibility to shield their staff, where possible, from abuse by customers.

This has led to fears that bosses could be sued for jokes or comments that staff overhear and find offensive – even if they are not directed at or about them.

The Act, which ministers claim will help stamp out pay discrimination, has been slammed by employer groups who claim it will cost £189million to implement. Since coming into force yesterday, the new law allows men and women in all firms to discuss and compare their salaries. Read on and comment >>> Martyn Brown | Saturday, October 02, 2010