Saturday, September 04, 2010

Sarrazin warnt Bundespräsident Wulff vor «Schauprozess»

NZZ ONLINE: Gefallener Banker und früherer SPD-Politiker setzt zum Rundumschlag an

Thilo Sarrazin hat Bundespräsident Christian Wulff vor einem «Schauprozess» gegen ihn gewarnt. Angesichts des gegen ihn laufenden Abberufungsverfahrens als Bundesbankvorstand sagte der wegen seiner Integrationsthesen kritisierte Banker dem Nachrichtenmagazin «Focus»: «Der Bundespräsident wird sich genau überlegen, ob er eine Art politischen Schauprozess vollenden will, der anschliessend von den Gerichten kassiert wird.»

Er gehe davon aus, dass Wulff ihn vor einer Entscheidung anhören werde, zumal der Bundespräsident die Stärkung der Demokratie und des offenen Diskurses als sein Zentralthema gewählt habe. >>> ddp | Samstag, 04. September 2010

NZZ ONLINE: Bayerns Innenminister teilt Sarrazins Kritik: Keine Aufenthaltserlaubnis für Imame ohne Deutschkenntnisse >>> ddp | Samstag, 04. September 2010

What is wrong with our so-called leaders? The problem is that they are not leaders at all. They lack the spine, guts, and courage to do what they are elected, employed and paid to do: to lead. Take Angela Merkel and Christian Wulff in Germany as examples. They have set upon poor Thilo Sarrazin and want him out of the Bundesbank, all because he has been intellectually honest and has written a book which I suspect most voters would agree with. Unfortunately, the book is anything but politically correct: It states what the political class, the political élite, does not want to hear. It tells it like it is. And the shit has hit the fan!

Fact is that the leaders in most countries in the West, America included, are part of the problem, not part of the solution, One has to ask oneself one simple question: If our ‘leaders’ won’t save the West from the onslaught of Islam, a dark, backward political system clothed in a deity, then what happens next? Whatever happens, the West HAS TO BE SAVED from the forces of barbarism and darkness. And if you think that I am exaggerating, consider what has been said by a convert to Islam in Australia in the past few days: He has called for Geert Wilders’ head – literally – all because Mr Wilders has criticised Islam and the prophet Muhammad, all because Mr Wilders wants to save the Netherlands from the forces of darkness.

But what is being done about this Muslim’s hate-filled comments, what is being done about his incitement to violence against an innocent man who just doesn’t happen to share this fanatic’s worldview? The answer is simple: Nothing! But when a great intellect such as Thilo Sarrazin writes a book as a warning to Germans that their country is being destroyed, all hell breaks loose! And something IS done about it: Thilo Sarrazin loses his prestigious position in the Bundesbank. And all because the so-called leaders have no spunk. Disgraceful!
– © Mark

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