BBC: The Pope has spoken of his "deep love" for the Welsh people and his sadness at being unable to visit during his trip to Britain.
In a special address to the people of Wales, broadcast from a mass at Westminster Cathedral in London, the Pope also gave a blessing in Welsh.
He said he was happy to honour the people of Wales and the ancient Christian tradition.
He also blessed a mosaic of St David, the Welsh patron saint.
"David's preaching was simple yet profound," reflected Pope Benedict.
"His dying words to his monks were: 'be joyful, keep the faith and do the little things'.
He added: "May St David's message, in all its simplicity and richness, continue to resound in Wales today, drawing the hearts of its people to renewed love for Christ and his Church."
The Pope was speaking after he blessed a new mosaic of St David installed in Westminster Cathedral earlier this month.
He also prayed before the statue of Our Lady of the Taper, the Welsh shrine brought from Cardigan to mark the occasion.
The Pope said he hoped the statue, set to return to Cardigan, would be a "lasting reminder" of his "deep love" for the Welsh people and of his "constant closeness" in prayer and in the communion of the Church[.]
He concluded his address: "Bendith Duw ar bobol Cymru! God bless the people of Wales." (+ video) >>> | Saturday, September 18, 2010