THE TELEGRAPH: Turkey has moved to calm fears that it is drifting away from the West, asserting that joining the European Union is still its "first and most strategic objective".
Mr Davutoglu was critical of Western fears that Turkey was turning further to the East, partly as a result of being rebuffed by France and Germany.
The question "Are we losing Turkey?" he said, was an "insulting question". He said Turkey was seeking to bring Western "soft" powers of peace, mediation and multilateralism to its multiple talks with countries in its region. >>> Adrian Michaels in London | Thursday, July 08, 2010
TODAY’S ZAMAN: British Conservative Party members have stridently displayed their objections to Foreign Secretary William Hague’s remarks on Thursday that envisaged “the value of [the] future membership” of “Europe’s biggest emerging economy” -- Turkey.
Roger Helmer, member of European Parliament from the British Conservative Party, deplored Hague’s statement, saying, “British voters will not stand for Turkish membership -- nor will other EU states,” the UK’s Mirror daily reported on Sunday.
“We should also see the value of Turkey’s future membership in the EU in this light. Turkey is Europe’s biggest emerging economy and a good example of a country developing a new role and new links for itself, partly on top of and partly outside of existing structures and alliances, and is highly active in the Western Balkans, the wider Middle East and Central Asia,” Hague said while speaking at London’s Foreign Office on Thursday, which drew the ire of many Euro-skeptic Tories.
Hague said Turkey’s Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu will visit Britain next week as London seeks to improve its ties with Ankara. >>> Today’s Zaman, Istanbul | Monday, July 05, 2010
William Hague is clearly a naïve fool, and quite obviously he has a death wish for the West by wanting to Islamize Europe. Go ruin someone else’s civilisation, Mr Hague. The French and Germans have it right: There should be no place for Turkey in the EU.
It’s funny how the British are determined not to take their full part in the European Union, yet when it comes to screwing it up, they're in the first row. How reprehensible that propensity is! – © Mark