Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Gods, Floods – and Global Warming

THE TELEGRAPH: The new science of geomythology links ancient legends and natural disasters - and supports climate change , writes Steve Jones.

Noah's Ark by Edward Hicks, 1846. 300 versions of the Flood myth are known in different cultures. Painting: The Telegraph

'Global warming is a myth.” Type that into a search engine and you get thousands of hits – but global warming is not a product of the human imagination; or no more so than any other scientific claims for – like them – it depends on its data, the accuracy of which has been affirmed by the inquiry into the leaked East Anglia documents. The subject has, alas, become the home of boring rants by obsessives.

More interesting is the notion that myths themselves may reflect real happenings of long ago. The new science of geomythology sets out to tie such tales to ancient disasters. Often, geology and legend fit remarkably well. >>> Steve Jones | Tuesday, July 13, 2010