Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Australian Politician Tells Public: 'Don't Believe What I Say'

THE TELEGRAPH: It is a risky strategy for a politician, but Tony Abbott, leader of the Australian opposition, has decided to come clean with the public, admitting on television that he doesn't always tell "the gospel truth".

Mr Abbott stunned political commentators when he made the full and frank admission, telling an interviewer that voters should not bet on his off-the-cuff comments being strictly true.

"Politicians are going to be judged on everything they say, but sometimes, in the heat of discussion, you go a little bit further than you would if it was an absolutely, uh, calm, considered, prepared, scripted remark," he told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation's 7.30 Report.

"Which is one of the reasons why, the statements that need to be taken absolutely, as, as gospel truth is those carefully prepared, scripted remarks."

The comments were seized on by the Labour government, which has been spooked recently by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's falling popularity and Mr Abbott's rise in the polls. Within hours of the gaffe, Labour ministers had labelled Mr Abbott "phoney Tony". >>> Bonnie Malkin in Sydney | Tuesday, May 18, 2010