Monday, April 26, 2010

General Election 2010: David Cameron's Smash and Grab Raid on Labour

THE TELEGRAPH: David Cameron has been given renewed hope of securing an overall majority in the Commons after party strategists identified 20 Labour seats that have unexpectedly become winnable following the rise of the Liberal Democrats.

The success of Nick Clegg in the first two televised debates was thought to have reduced Tory prospects of forming a government after May 6.

However, Conservative strategists now believe that the increase in support for the Lib Dems has been far more damaging for Labour, which is in danger of coming third in the popular vote.

In response, Mr Cameron has ordered an aggressive “decapitation” campaign to try to snatch up to 20 seats that the Tories had previously thought unwinnable, including two held by Cabinet ministers. If successful, the party leadership believes the strategy could help the Conservatives achieve an overall majority of MPs. >>> Robert Winnett, Rosa Prince and James Kirkup | Sunday, April 25, 2010