Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Stupid Bitch by Any Other Name – Harriet Harman! Harriet Harman Puts Class at Heart of Election Battle

If this is so, then what the hell has the Labour Party been doing all these years? It's the Labour Party which has reduced this once great nation to scrubberdom! – © Mark

THE GUARDIAN: Labour deputy leader to make inequality a key dividing line with Conservatives

Harriet Harman's speech is designed to put fight against inequality at heart of election campaign. Photograph: The Guardian

Harriet Harman will reopen the politically explosive debate over class tomorrowby insisting that it remains the single biggest factor in determining individual achievement.

In a speech designed to put the fight against inequality at the heart of the general election campaign, the Labour deputy leader will unveil a new "inequality bible" which admits that the government has merely slowed the trend in rising inequality despite more than 12 years in office.

The 420-page report, commissioned by the government, has been written by a panel chaired by Professor John Hills.
In her speech, Harman will say the report, to be published next week, makes uncomfortable reading for Labour, and sets out home truths about the scale of the challenge.

But she will also seek to create dividing lines with the Tories by arguing that the evidence shows socio-economic background, not parental warmth, is the main determinant of an individual's success.

The report's findings are politically sensitive since they may revive accusations – furiously denied by Gordon Brown – that Labour is embarking on a "class war". >>> Patrick Wintour and Amelia Gentleman | Wednesday, January 20, 2010