Sunday, January 03, 2010

Anger at Threat of Islamist March in Wootton Bassett

Muslim Cleric Anjem Choudary Vows to Continue Wootton Bassett March

THE TELEGRAPH: Muslim extremist Anjem Choudary has vowed to go ahead with a protest march through Wootton Bassett claiming those who honour the war dead are no different to those who support the 7/7 Tube bombers.

Anjem Choudary. Photograph: The Telegraph

The controversial cleric, who heads up Islam4UK, has organised a march of 500 people through the Wiltshire town, in memory of Muslims "murdered in the name of democracy and freedom".

Wootton Bassett has become the main focal point for the nation to show its respect to the troops killed in Afghanistan, with hundreds lining the streets each time a body is repatriated to nearby RAF Lyneham.

But Choudary said it was unacceptable to honour those killed in the conflict and he would march through the town with supporters to voice opposition at the gatherings.

Asked why he was against crowds honouring fallen British soldiers, he said: "The same could be said about the Germans fighting for Nazism in the Second World War. Those involved in 7/7 and 9/11 considered themselves to be soldiers. >>> Martin Evans | Sunday, January 03, 2010

MAIL ONLINE: 120,000 sign up to Facebook protest to stop Islamic extremist march through Wootton Bassett: More than 120,000 people had last night signed an internet petition protesting about plans by Islamic extremists to march through Wootton Bassett.

Hate preacher Anjem Choudary sparked outrage by saying his radical group Islam4UK would parade through the town renowned for honouring soldiers killed in Afghanistan.

The firebrand cleric said 500 of his supporters would carry 'symbolic coffins' in memory of the Muslim civilians ' murdered by merciless' coalition forces.
Ian Drury and Andy Dolan | Monday, January 04, 2010

Islam4UK Letter to the Families of British Soldiers (who have died or who are currently in Afghanistan) >>>

Islam for the UK (Islam4UK) >>>

Islam vs Democracy, Freedom and Secularism >>>