Saturday, October 17, 2009

Ed West: Isn't a March for Sharia in London Bad for 'Community Relations'?

THE TELEGRAPH – BLOG: While the media castigate the “far-Right” Geert Wilders for daring to speak up for fascistic ideas like freedom of speech, gay rights and parliamentary democracy, this event in London seems to cause barely a ripple – the March for Sharia to be held in Trafalgar Square on October 31. As the group Islam4UK says:
Undoubtedly, Islam and the Shari’ah have reached new heights in the United Kingdom, Muslim communities up and down the country have brought forth a culture and system that is not only superior to the British way of life but also a shining example of what true subservience to Almighty God can bring to a society drowning in disbelief and oppression.

Recent months have been particularly debilitating for the British population who have struggled to get by as basic necessities such as food, clothing and shelter have become more cumbersome to obtain. The MPs’ expenses scandal that shocked the nation unfortunately also demonstrates the cruel indifference the British government has towards its citizens and moreover how they appear to be more concerned with wasting public money on personal frivolities than investing it for the betterment of society.

As a result of this perpetual malaise, Islam4UK with the help of sincere Muslims launched a series of Islamic Roadshow’s that provided a real answer to the problems faced by the British community; with over 16 different locations already hit including, Birmingham, Slough, Lewisham, Peckham and Green Street, approximately 70 men and women have embraced Islam, reinforcing the dire need for Shari’ah in contemporary Britain.
The event is organised by Anjem Choudary, the Islamist fanatic. It sounds harsh, but unlike Wilders, Choudary really is a menace to our society, which would resemble hell on earth if he had any say in its running. But most of all he’s a menace to British Muslims, not because he’s a crazy voice in the wilderness but because he isn’t – rather he’s part of a large and powerful worldwide movement that threatens much of the world. Finish reading and comment >>> Ed West | Friday, October 16, 2009