Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Dhimmitude Alert! BBC Appoints Muslim to Top Religious Post in Controversial First

The disgusting broadcasting organisation which calls itself the British Broadcasting Corporation has gone and done it again!

The BBC is nothing but an orgainisation which specializes in social engineering. If you are sick and tired of the way this company operates, then you will also be sick and tired of having to pay the licence fee.

It is high time that the licence fee were scrapped. Let the fat cats at the BBC forage for their fat salaries in the private sector as others have to do. We’ll see how much social engineering they’ll do then.

The BBC has outlived its usefulness. The organisation broadcasts mostly rubbish anyway. Their news broadcasts are hardly worth watching. Now even the religious programmes won’t be worth watching either. The new programmes are sure to whitewash Islam and portray the cult as a ‘religion of peace’. Doubtless, the Jihad – you know, the BIG push to take over the world – will be ignored. Brushed aside.

It is becoming increasingly obvious that the United Kingdom as we knew and loved it is becoming a thing of the past. Our so-called leaders, corrupt as they are, haven’t got the balls to protect us from the backwardness that is Islam; and then we have the BBC pushing the cause of Islam whilst largely ignoring Christianity, thus helping to usher in the New Dark Age.

Sad story!
– ©Mark

Aaqil Ahmed has been appointed the Head of Religion and Ethics. Photo courtesy of MailOnline

MAIL Online: The BBC yesterday appointed a Muslim as its head of religious programming in a radical departure from broadcasting tradition.

The post - considered one of the most influential religious roles in the country - has gone to Aaqil Ahmed, who has been working as an executive at Channel 4.

The appointment will cause dismay among the Christian churches.

Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams raised concerns over the prospect of a Muslim head of religious broadcasting during a meeting with the corporation's director general Mark Thompson in March.

It comes at a time of deepening worries among Christian leaders that their faith is being sidelined and downgraded by authorities.

Both Dr Williams and Archbishop of York Dr John Sentamu have made repeated public complaints over the indifference and occasional hostility to Christianity shown in Whitehall and from other authorities.

Last year the BBC gave the job of producing its most popular and longrunning religious programme, Songs of Praise, to a Sikh, Tommy Nagra.

The Church of England points out that 70 per cent of the population of Britain professes to be Christian, but only 3 per cent are Muslims. >>> By Steve Doughty | Tuesday, May 12, 2009