Sunday, March 22, 2009

Bailout Fallout: Uncle Sam's Sharia Board

EUROPE NEWS: At your service, American Taxpayer! AIG's Shariah Advisory Board. Meet Moe, Larry and Curly. I mean, Mohamed, Muhammad, and Mohammed.* As members of the AIG Takaful Shariah Advisory Board, they really work for you and me, the American taxpayer, ever since we the people bought an 80 percent stake in the bankrupt insurance company.

How's that for bait and switch? While we agonize over chump-change AIG bonuses, we ignore the fact we're paying for the subversion of liberty and justice for all by funding AIG's promotion and entrenchment of sharia--Jew-, Christian-, and humanist-hostile supremacist Islamic law. As of December 2008, by the way, AIG Takaful insurance products went on sale in the USA under the ironically named Lexington Takaful Solutions.

Lexington, Lexington--wasn't that where our experiment in liberty began with the shot heard round the world? Must have been a dream. At this rate, Lexington will go down in history as the beachhead of US taxpayer-funded sharia. From "taxation without representation" to taxation to support sharia: How the free have enslaved themselves. >>> Diana West ( | Friday, March 20, 2009