Monday, March 30, 2009

Another Reason to Visit Switzerland: Hiking in the Nude

This would be a great pastime for Anjem Choudary, and other narrow-minded, fundamentalist Muslims! Photo of nude hiker in Switzerland courtesy of Time

TIME: Baby, it's cold outside. But the early-spring chill doesn't deter Thomas B. from taking a brisk walk along Appenzell's hilly trails to enjoy the green landscape of this rural canton in northeast Switzerland.

There's a good reason why Thomas, 24, doesn't give out his last name: he is concerned that his bosses at a nearby bank may not like his unconventional hiking attire, consisting of shoes, socks, a backpack — and nothing else. Thomas isn't just some nature nut in a birthday suit — he's one of a growing number of hikers who make the pilgrimage to Appenzell specifically so they can trek in the nude. (See pictures of skiing.)

Hiking in the buff might shock Thomas' bosses, as well as some of Appenzell's 15,000 inhabitants, but it's no skin off his back. "Hiking in clothes is too constrictive," he says, adding that he has never had any negative reactions from the fully clothed hikers he meets on the trails. "I like to feel comfortable. There's nothing wrong with that, is there?" >>> By Helena Bachman, Geneva | Tuesday, March 24, 2009