Saturday, February 14, 2009

Religious Police Break Hearts in Saudi Arabia

Happy Valentine’s Day to one and all, including the religious police in Saudi Arabia, the so-called Muttawa or Committee for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice!

ASSOCIATED PRESS: RIYADH, Saudi Arabia — Just days before Valentine's Day, a young Saudi woman desperately searched for a red teddy bear to buy for her boyfriend. But all Nof Faisal could find were blue and white ones, minus the "I love you" she wanted hers to declare.

It's not because the store couldn't keep up with demand. It is because fear of the religious police forced the store's owner to strip the shelves of all red items, including the hottest-selling item: heart-festooned red plastic handcuffs inscribed, "Take me, I'm yours."

As Feb. 14 approaches, the police begin inspecting gift shops for items that are red or are intended as gifts to mark the holiday — a celebration of St. Valentine, a 3rd century Christian martyr — which is banned in Saudi Arabia. Such items are legal at other times of the year, but as Valentine's Day nears they become contraband.

At best, shops caught selling Valentine's gifts are ordered to get rid of them. Some salesmen have been detained for days.

The Valentine's Day prohibition is in line with the ascetic Wahhabi school of Islam that the kingdom follows. Marking Christian holidays is banned in Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of Islam and a country where non-Muslims are banned from openly practicing their religion.

Celebrating any holidays but the two most important for Muslims — Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Fitr_ is taboo because they are considered "religious innovations" that Islam does not sanction. Even birthdays and Mother's Day are frowned on by the religious establishment.

As Feb. 14 approaches, newspapers reprint a fatwa or religious edict issued by scholars a few years ago, declaring "eid al-hob," Arabic for the feast of love, a "Christian, pagan feast" that Muslims should not celebrate. Teachers remind students they must not mark the festival, and girls are warned against wearing anything red. >>> AP | Friday, February 13, 2009

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: Saint Valentin: distribution gratuite de "sex toys" à Paris

INSOLITE | Célibataires, jeunes couples, groupes de promeneurs: une distribution gratuite de "sex toys" organisée samedi dans le centre de Paris pour la Saint Valentin, a suscité une vive curiosité, quelques sourires gênés et beaucoup de rires.

"J'ai eu un vibromasseur et des boules de geisha" raconte, ravie, Leila, étudiante de 21 ans. "Je suis super contente. Je suis célibataire, ça me console... Et puis ça coûte super cher ces petits trucs en plastique !" >>> AFP | Samedi 14 Février 2009

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