Thursday, December 11, 2008

Dhimmitude Alert! Haj Shows Islam’s Message of Justice, Equality: Brown

Why do we keep sending these gut-wrenching messages of goodwill to the Muslim community when they are not reciprocated?

Will the Muslim community send the Christian community a message of goodwill at Christmas? I think we all know the answer to this question!

So for Christ's sake (no blasphemy intended!), stop sucking up to the Muslims, Gord!
– ©Mark

SAUDI GAZETTE: LONDON – The British Prime Minister sent his “warm wishes” and greetings to British Muslims on the occasion of Eid Al-Adha.

Gordon Brown in his message to the British Muslim Community said, “For me, the inspirational thing about Haj is the great stirrings for justice that shows in the Ummah. When people are drawn from each corner of the world, inspired by a shared and ancient ideal to act as one in the service of a better world – then it summons in us a truly modern hope that we can build a global society characterized by fairness and cooperation and respect.” “At this special time, we can also reflect upon and celebrate the tremendous contributions of British Muslims to our national life,” he added.

Britain’s foreign secretary, David Miliband also sent his greetings. “As Muslims all over the world, including in Britain, celebrate with their families, it is a good moment to reflect on the message that Eid carries for us all,” Miliband said. “Eid Al-Adha commemorates the sacrifice and steadfastness of Prophet Abraham, forefather of Muslims, Christians and Jews alike. These two qualities, of sacrifice and steadfastness, are ones that must guide what we do,” he said[.] [Source: Saudi Gazetter] | December 10, 2008

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