Saturday, November 22, 2008

"God Hates Australia!"

WESTENDER (Brisbane): Fundamentalist US Church accuses Australia of sodomy, idolatry, apostasy and peverted sex, among other things

Members of the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas, are being urged to picket the Australian Consulate in Chicago, Illinois, in "religious protest and warning."

According to protest organisers, Australia is a "Sodomite nation, an evil and dangerous country practicing morbid idolatry and every form of peverted sex."

The Church went on to say "Their island insulation from reality is no excuse for their apostasy and their filfthy abandonment to Sodomy."

The Westboro Baptist Church is notorious for its uncompromising and vehement stance on social issues in the US, accusing even conservative religious leaders of being soft on homosexualtiy.

Since 1991, WBC has conducted over 34,000 peaceful demonstrations opposing "the fag lifestyle of soul-damning, nation-destroying filth."

The picket is planned for the morning of Monday, December 8. [Source: Westender] Undated

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