Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Netherlands: Radical Imam Claims Damages for Fitna

ADN KRONOS INTERNATIONAL: Amsterdam - The radical Muslim cleric Sheikh Imam Fawaz Jneid is claiming 55,000 euros in damages from far-right Freedom Party MP Geert Wilders for allegedly damaging his reputation in a controversial anti-Koran film.

The cleric was shown in Wilders' film 'Fitna'. The 17-minute film features verses of the Koran against images of terrorist attacks.

Wilders, quoted by Radio Netherlands says Jneid's claim "is the world upside down."

His film sparked protests in Pakistan, Malaysia and Indonesia and has led to calls in some countries for a boycott of Dutch products.

Wilders says the imam "has cursed" Somali feminist and author, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and late Dutch filmmaker,Theo van Gogh.

Hirsi Ali received death threats after writing the script for van Gogh's short film 'Submission' criticising women's treatment in Muslim society.

A Muslim extremist murdered van Gogh in an Amsterdam street soon after the film aired on Dutch TV in 2004. [Source: Netherlands: Radical Imam Claims Damages for Anti-Koran Film]

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