Thursday, September 13, 2007

When Native People Lose Control

BNP* NEWS TEAM: Brussels might be 200 miles from London but the two capital cities have a lot in common. Both have extreme left-wing mayors, both are home to a growing migrant population from the Third World, both are home to a growing number of Muslims who are displaying all the signs of successful colonists cowering the indigenous population into submission.

Just two days ago we reported the brutal actions of Brussels police who smashed up a birthday party by Filip deWinter Leader of the Flemish nationalists, Vlaams Belang, to coincide with the sixth anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks by Islamic extremists on America.

The brutality of the Brussels police against just 300 friends and supporters of Mr. deWinter was unprecedented, with three leading VB members clubbed and arrested. Eye witnesses reported a fleet of water cannons, a mounted cavalry unit and a further riot squad were held just yards away in reserve, just in case the real defenders of European democracy including Frank Vanhecke, an elected MEP, were minded to carry out acts of extreme violence.

Minority decision-makers

While the overwhelming majority of the uniformed police officers from the Brussels force are native Belgians the people that made the decision to ban an earlier protest to stop the Islamification of Europe were colonisers.

Every year the authorities in Brussels, the capital of Belgium and of the European Union (EU), receive between 500 and 600 applications for permission to demonstrate or hold protest marches. With very few exceptions permission is always granted. In the past five years only six applications were turned down – an average of one a year. Among these was one for a demonstration by the DHKP/C, a Kurdish terrorist organization. However in August Freddy Thielemans, the Mayor of Brussels, announced that he was banning a demonstration against the Islamization of Europe, planned to be held on September 11 in front of the European Parliament buildings.

Mayor Thielemans was worried that the demonstration will upset the large immigrant population of Brussels. Over half the inhabitants of the Brussels region are of foreign origin, many of them from Morocco. According to the mayor there is a real danger of violence between demonstrators and Muslims living in the neighbourhood. The latter might not tolerate native Europeans protesting against their continent becoming Eurabia.

Thielemans is a member of the Parti Socialiste (PS), a Belgian party which caters for the Muslim population. The PS is the largest party in Brussels, holding 17 of the 47 seats in the city council. 10 of the 17 PS-councillors are Muslims. The PS governs Brussels in a coalition with the Christian-Democrats, who have 11 councillors, of whom 2 are Muslims and 3 are immigrants from Sub-Saharan Africa. Only 13 of the 28 councillors in the governing coalition of the city are native Belgians. Thielemans is the most conspicuous of these. He is an atheist who is fond of Muslims, not because he respects religious people, but because he hates Christians.


On 2 April 2005 the Brussels mayor was attending an official cocktail party with the mayor of Angoulême (France), when the news of the death of Pope John Paul II reached him. On hearing the news he ordered “Champagne for everyone!” His French colleague walked out in disgust. Upsetting Catholics has never particularly worried the Socialist mayor of Brussels, for instance when he refused to ban a play (by a Moroccan-born author) which was advertised around the country on posters portraying the Virgin Mary with bare breasts.

In Mr. Thielemans’s absence his deputy, Algerian-born Faouzia Hariche, is Brussels’ acting mayor – which is an improvement. Hariche, too, obviously, is Muslim-friendly, but she has never publicly toasted the death of the Pope.

Last Spring, the Danish group Stop Islamiseringen af Danmark (SIAD), the British group Stop the Islamisation of Europe (SIOE) and the German group Pax Europa, decided to organize a protest march against the introduction of Sharia laws in Europe. The organizers want the march to take place on 9/11 in the streets of Brussels and to end in front of the EU Parliament.

The Brussels ban is a clear example of what happens when the native people lose control, political control of their own towns and cities. What can happen in Brussels today can happen in London, Cardiff or Glasgow tomorrow when the native people become a minority and the decisions are made by a minority with their own vested interests totally at odds with the wishes and aspirations and established traditions of the native people. [Source: When Native People Lose Control]

* Placing any article from a political party on this blogspot should in NO WAY be construed as an endorsement of that party. Mark Alexander strives to stay out of all party politics.

Mark Alexander