Monday, June 18, 2007

Muslim World All Het Up Over Knighthood for Salman Rushdie

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Photo of religious students burning effigies of the Queen and Salman Rushdie courtesy of Times Online
TIMESONLINE: Salman Rushdie should be denied his knighthood because it is an insult to “the sentiments of Muslims across the world” and is creating religious hatred, the Pakistani parliament said today.

Muslim hardliners burnt effigies of the Queen and Rushdie and shouted “Kill him, kill him”, when news of a knighthood for the author of ‘The Satanic Verses’ in the Queen’s Birthday Honours reached the Pakistani city of Multan.

Iran - which forced the writer into a decade in hiding after issuing a fatwa against him in 1989 - has also condemned the honour. Strip Rushdie of his honour, demands Pakistan (more)

Rushdie knighthood ‘justifies suicide attacks’

Mark Alexander