Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Democrats Move Closer to God

TIMESONLINE: When Rudy Giuliani was asked about his stance on abortion at the latest Republican presidential debate on Tuesday night, thunderbolts from a summer storm raging outside cut off his microphone twice.

The former New York mayor, whose pro-choice position puts him at odds with the Christian Right and leaders of his Roman Catholic Church, pointed a finger upwards and said: “For someone who went to parochial schools all his life, this is a very frightening thing that’s happening right now.”

His rivals laughed and pretended to back away from the apparent object of such heavenly displeasure, who said: “I guess I’m here by myself.”

Indeed, he is alone in the top tier of presidential candidates in refusing to say whether – or how often – he goes to church. “The mayor’s personal relationship with God is private and between him and God,” his campaign told a recent survey. Democrats set out to close the ‘God Gap’ (more) By Tom Baldwin

Mark Alexander