Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Sarkozy Has His Work Cut Out For Him: It’s Going To Be A Rough Road Ahead

FINANCIAL TIMES: The election of Nicolas Sarkozy as the next president of France was greeted with a light smattering of riots across the country. Mr Sarkozy knows that could be just the aperitif. There is a real risk of social unrest, as France’s new president tries to deliver on his promise of “rupture” with the past.

Mr Sarkozy knows that three prime ministers of the Chirac era – Alain Juppé, Jean-Pierre Raffarin and Dominique de Villepin – were forced to abandon economic reforms in the face of popular demonstrations. But he is determined that things will be different this time. One member of the Sarkozy inner circle argues that previous rounds of reform failed because President Jacques Chirac lost his nerve. With “Nicolas” in the Élysée palace, things will be different.

The new president will certainly need nerves of steel because the reforms he hopes to push through in his first 100 days in office could almost be designed to antagonise every strike-happy interest group in the country. France braced for stiff dose of Thatcherism (Read on) By Gideon Rachman

FT: Sarkozy picks moderate as premier

NZZ: Sarkozy will von Reformen überzeugen: Keine Konfrontation mit Gewerkschaften

Mark Alexander