Saturday, May 26, 2007

Changing the Islamic Weekend in Kuwait Proves to Be a Sensitive Issue

KUWAIT TIMES: KUWAIT: Several Islamist MPs issued statements yesterday opposing the government's plans to shift the weekend from Thursday-Friday to Friday-Saturday following such a move by a number of Gulf states. The MPs said their opposition is based on the fact that such a move will mean imitating the West and could undermine some religious obligations, especially that many Muslims fast on Thursday. The Thawabet Al-Ummah convention also slammed the Civil Services Commission's moves to grant Saturdays off in place of Thursdays without reviewing religious or social issues. "The issue can never be considered a mere weekend one," said members of the convention, reminding authorities that Muslim scholars considered it a religious violation and called for further studies on the sensitive issue. Islamists oppose Fri-Sat weekend (more) By B Izzak and A Saleh

Mark Alexander