Thursday, April 05, 2007

Blair says no deal done with Iran

BBC: Prime Minister Tony Blair has insisted no deal was done to free 15 Royal Navy crew members, as they arrived at Heathrow after being held in Iran.

They were released "without any deal, without any negotiation, without any side agreement of any nature," he said. ’No deal done with Iran’ – Blair

WATCH BBC VIDEO: UK ‘must stand firm on Iran’

Mark Alexander


Sir Henry Morgan said...

Well, if Blair says it it must be true. Yes?


Mark said...

Sir Henry, I'm sure you've heard of the word 'spin'! :-)

Unknown said...

When the master of obfuscation speaks, it becomes a game of lucky dip for the audience. I'll give the devil his due...he is good at it; that maybe be the only thing he is good at, but at least he can boast that he is a master of one thing, nothing that an honorable person would be proud of, but then again, he's nothing if not the consummate politician. Let's face it, he seems to have the media pacified, a little bit of fancy footwork should see enough of the masses sent back to sleep, the Party faithful can then breath easily again till the next go-around, everyone's happy. Just look at the constituents he has pleased, apart from the mad mullahs and Ahmadinejad, there's Clare Short,the conscience of the nation, Happy Jack the strawman of the north, Mrs Bucket, the most lost and forlorn foreign secretary ever, Gordon, the man of money no longer left to ponder the loss of monies down the plughole of a hot war, the faceless, nameless mandarins of the EU, for letting the storm sail right on by, likewise the EU commissioners, for not exposing their testicular fortitude, (awful chilly in those northern latitudes, global warming not withstanding), umpteen European business CEO's, and their saved business contracts, the Lords of the Admiralty and Commodore Lambert, (though he may not be off the hook quite yet), Plastic Nan and the Dhimmicrats, whose stern mettle has yet to be tested, and last but not least, all the multiculturalists, Leftists and cultural Marxists of the Western world, who can now breath a sigh of relief, as the draft will not be reintroduced tomorrow, heavens, it's still winter in Canada, where's a good conscientious objector to go(?). Oh, I forgot, CAIR, the MCB, the MPB, Hamas, Hezbollah, and other assorted radicals et all. Did I miss anyone? See, something for just about everyone. So once again, the breeze is blowing, the trees are swaying, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and Ooohhhh, it's a wonderful day. The only thing missing from this happy tale is that the state of Israel is still on the map, but can't have everything can we. So sod off, all you nasty warmongers you!

Mark said...

Somehow, I missed JAR's excellent comment. That's one that didn't come through by email, either.

And what Rustresistance said about pulling the other one is true. And, as you say: "Just like no deal has ever been done with the Saudis? We all know that he is the 'master of spin'. As someone in my youth used to say about such people, "he spins them as he walks".

Tony Blair must really rank up there with the most dishonourable of politicians. I'm sure that one day he will get an award for being the 'most dishonourable one'. And as we all know, politicians aren't the most honourable people at the best of times.

Tone keeps on insisting that no deal has been done to get the sailors freed; but interestingly, the German press is reporting that the UK APOLOGIZED to the Iranian government! Now that's something that the British MSM is not reporting. I wonder why?

Unknown said...

Chittlins for breakfast anyone?
Pass me the marmalade.
- rustresistance.

You've been living in the postmodern, multi-culti world of continental culinary pecuniary for too long there my friend. A stout English bulldog requires plenty of meat to set him up for the day... guts of chicken, entrails of dove; a nutritionist's nightmare I know, but all the satisfying for it.

Ah, the sound of wailing in the hen house at dawn, the farmer's arisen, the chickens ripe for plucking, and all's right with the world once more.

White meat, it's what's for breakfast.

Unknown said...

You have examined the entrails with the eye of a masterly surgeon. - rustresistance

I don't know about surgeon, for one I don't dress the part. Anyhow, I think there is more of the pragmatic farmer in me, must be from the dim memory of a distant past, don't mind getting my hands dirty and all that. Doesn't send the ladies hearts aflutter alas, but just gets the job done. Though I do see one similarity, we both get to mess around in blood and guts all day.

Mark said...

I wish I could understand the banter here, folks! You're both talking in a language I do not understand!