Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Wafa Sultan on the Glenn Beck Show

Glenn Beck seems to think that Islam can be reformed. It is my belief that Islam cannot be reformed. Islam is what it is, and it will remain as it has always been. It would appear that Wafa Sultan is of the same opinion as I.

Islam hasn’t been reformed in over fourteen hundred years. In any case, how can a religion be reformed when not a single vowel in the Qur’an has been changed in all those 1400 years? The message of Islam has been written in stone, so to speak. Further, the Qur'an are thought, by Muslims, to be the actual words of Allah. Who would dare try and change those words? Devout Muslims would consider any such attempt to change the Qur'an to be sacrilege. This is hardly a good starting point for a reformation. Add to this the propensity of Muslim Arabs to accept things literally - Arabs are not given to abstract thought and metaphor – and we have a poor basis for change. ©Mark Alexander

Mark Alexander

1 comment:

cybercrusader said...

ANYONE who says that Islam can be reformed is either a naive fool or a liar. Notice the gentleman's 'double speak'. On the one hand he says that Islam must be reformed by those within while on the other (very near the end of the clip) he says that Islam is a religion and it cannot be reformed. As kids say nowadays, 'Go figure'.