Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Disturbing news for peacemakers: "The Arab culture is inferior", say over 37% of Israelis polled

Recent poll reveals steep rise in racist views against Arabs in Israel; many participants feel hatred, fear when overhearing Arabic, 75 percent don’t approve of shared apartment buildings

YNET NEWS: Over half of the Jewish population in Israel believes the marriage of a Jewish woman to an Arab man is equal to national treason, according to a recent survey by the Geocartography Institute.

The survey, which was conducted for the Center Against Racism, also found that over 75 percent of participants did not approve of apartment buildings being shared between Arabs and Jews. Sixty percent of participants said they would not allow an Arab to visit their home.

Five hundred Jewish men and women participated in the poll, which was published Tuesday.

According to the survey, racism against Arabs in Israel has seen a sharp rise since a similar survey was conducted two years ago. ’Marriage to an Arab is national treason’ by Rose Nahmias

Rassistische Tendenzen in der Schweiz

Mark Alexander


Unknown said...

Bachar Ouda, the center's director, said the survey’s findings were worrisome, and urged the government to intervene in the situation. from the article you linked to Mark

Multiculturalism's germination is bringing forth bitter fruit; even among the tolerant. The grand experiment in Utopianism is turning sour. The call to impose a solution from government by Mr. Ouda, will just exacerbate and accelerate the problem. Multiculturalism has always ignored one fundamental problem, when conflict arises, how to peacefully resolve those differences which divide us. So far multiculturalism's approach is to browbeat only one side of the equation - the white side, and so far this tactic has worked, though for the life of me I am not sure why, other than by the expedient of the advocates of multiculturalism appointing themselves to the position of guardians of the desemination of information, the moral gatekeepers so to speak, and therefore arrogating to themselves the ability to frame the debate according to their own, and only their own dictates . But now that those conflicts are threatening to erupt into open warfare, the multicultural approach is about to flounder upon the rocks of reality.

Peoples tolerance has been stretched to the breaking point. When the real designs and agendas of an alien culture become undeniable to the majority of the indigenous culture, then further enforcement just breeds greater resentment...not exactly rocket science, (but a path that our ruling elites have trapped themselves on), and will cause untold suffering as the friction generated by conflicting aspirations is played out across the landscape of intermingled, mismatched societies.

The failure of the multicultural experiment is in that it has imposed an artificial comity upon one party only, while allowing a free reign upon others; instead of a more sensible approach of slowly allowing an infusion of differing cultures to be absorbed by the mainstream. It is simply a social experiment gone horribly wrong, and while the indigenous populations are paying a price now, our ruling elites have yet to feel the true effects, but are about to shortly, no matter how much denial they indulge themselves in. Meanwhile those immigrant cultures, both innocent and guilty will pay a disproportionate price later, whether that is fair or not is irrelevant, it is simply how things will play out. War is coming, it is now unavoidable, our elites have done their very best to make us prostrate before our enemies, the question is, have they done enough.

People will simply not sacrifice themselves on mass for something that they not only don't believe in , but actively disagree with. The longer our elites deny this reality the greater their fall from grace will be.

Post modernist wishful thinking will not get them out of this fix of their own devising.

It all boils down to one very simple fact, that until two people of differing colour, faith or even social standing, can pass each other in the street and see a mutual respect reflected in each other's eye, there will be no harmony amongst peoples of different cultures. Ask yourself, how can this possibly come about when our social scientists in academia are constantly berating us as to our individual and collective failures, both past and present, when at the the same time those same pillars of intellectual acumen, either ignore or speak endless apologies for the brutal actions and claims of those who would destroy us. Or our mainstream media indulge in endless lying by omission, peddling propaganda for the other side and implying that by simply standing up for ourselves, that we are the oppressors. Or our political elites passing endless destructive laws protecting those who wish us ill, solely in order to maintain a false sense of calm, just to stay in power that little bit longer.

It does not matter that only 10-15% of the enemy is radicalized, they are the ones driving the agenda, and they are backed by a further 25-30% who actively support their position, so all the others of unknown persuasion simply have no voice in any outcome, their passivity seals their doom, just as our current passivity allows our elites to continue on down a road towards catastrophe, blind and oblivious to all danger, reason or warnings.

It is my belief that the multicultural experiment was not brought about to bring peace and harmony to the world, but to destroy the tolerant Western world, and to open the door for the grand Marxist experiment, by appealing to man's inherent desire to be seen as good and not bad, to be liked and not despised: it was and is a simple psychological trick, played upon an unwitting people, in a deceitful and underhanded manner for the benefit of unprincipled minds masquerading as more caring and compassionate than their neighbors. So once again, Marxism will usher in a bloodbath, how nice!

leelion said...

JAR, any thoughts on what drives the anti-west anti-capitalist pro-socialist control freaks?

Let's say they achieve their goals. America and the West collapse, individualism is suppressed, tribalism and collectivism rule...and then what?

For what purpose? And what ultimate purpose after that purpose? Why? What are they afraid of, what do they hate so much?

Unknown said...

Through the insipid socialist agenda, ugly embittered Marxist dogmatics get their revenge for failure. - rustresistance

Given the fact that all our institutions of higher learning are riddled with Marxist professors, almost all our political elites have been immersed into that philosophy as they have passed through their courses of higher education. The fact that they do not see themselves as Marxists, nor would they claim to be such, does not change the fact that almost to a man, they espouse a soft socialist agenda, obviously with many in the NuLabour party being unashamed advocates of Karl's grand ideas, though of course even most of them would not dare to come out and outright admit that truth. The fact that those ideas have brought nothing but pain and suffering to untold millions is a minor consideration to such awesome minds, for after all, we little people are simply ignorant, and the great and the good are simply leading us in the right, rather left, direction for our own good.

They are little minds playing gods.

Is it any wonder why the mad mullahs of Tehran think that the West is ripe for the taking. With such incompetent fools as we have leading us, any two bit thug must indeed fancy his chances.

The whole political narrative of Britain, right across the board of all three parties, follows the dictates of this latent Marxist agenda. The fact that we were all sent to sleep with the demise of the Soviet Union, anesthetized us to the resurrection of the faith of Holy Marx under a new, softer, more compassionate guise...a totally duplicitous political philosophy. Simply by promising us free monies from the public purse, they have managed to bribe their way to the chambers of power, and for such small change we have willingly allowed ourselves to be bought, we have sold our own birthright for a mess of potage, how foolish.

If you do not believe me consider this. David Cameron has decided that the best policy to lead the Conservative party back into power, is for the party to go all GREEN, to embrace the new faith in all its glorified assertions. Of course any deviation from the true path of GREEN received holy wisdom, is to be called out for its heresy. The plain fact that several scientists, who have come out and publicly stated, "hold on a minute, maybe we've got the science on this a bit wrong", have been on the receiving end of death threats, let alone had some of their funding cut, speaks all we need to know about the nature and means of the faithful.This is simply another fad, which will no doubt change to "we're all about to freeze to death with the coming of a new ice age", in a decade or two, when the weather patterns once more change, following the dictates of the one thing that has always set the course of the weather down here upon earth, the sun.

Ignorance is a powerful tool when played out in the hands of calculating ambitious minds.

The danger to our elites, of being unmasked as opportunistic charlatans, has in the past, been slight, for they have played upon our own dreams of a better more caring world, a world away from this present one of seeming endless drudgery, boredom and decay, a world of inequalities, never more so than shown by those self same advocates and their own self-indulgent life styles.

Any person who has read just a small smattering of history would know how rare and precious our current Western societies are, they grant us much (though not total ) freedom, we are largely speaking free from hunger, for now the health Nazis speak of obesity and our poor diets, while our life spans increase beyond the physical capacity of the body to actively sustain itself, at least in any form but a semi vegetative state. The lot of man throughout history has been one long catalog of a nasty, brutish and short existence at the hands of the powerful , for the sole benefit of the powerful. Page after page, age after age, the story is the same, only with the dawning of the industrial age, where the generation of excess wealth by industrial output of mass production, has man's sorrowful burdens been alleviated, not perfectly, but by degrees of comparison, unimaginably better than anything which has gone before, in a timescale of hardly more than two hundred years, and in a percentage of the general world population of comparatively small scale, we have pulled ourselves out of the muck of human avarice, spread wealth around and so bequeathed ourselves a better standard of living and at the same time we have inspired and helped others to do the same for themselves. But all these accomplishments are not good enough for the 'great and the good', they seek utopia NOW, and they will literally sacrifice untold numbers of us to change where we are now to accomodate their own whims. Why do we endlessly follow those who promise us the earth, and in the end, that is all they deliver us to, a six by six by six plot of temporary repose, till the lot fills up, or the developers move in.

They build their powers upon the simple trick of feeding our fears, they play upon the deep-seated fears of our dull existence, our yearning for something more comfortable, something closer to our intellectual ease. They have no great insight into the resolution of complex social problems, as the chaotic consequences of their endless legal and social meddling clearly show us. The human mind almost invariably seeks the line of least resistance, the easy way out, when far more often than not, that is exactly the wrong way to follow. Who here can deny, that some small endeavor, the we as individuals have undertaken, that has been difficult for us to accomplish, but which when so accomplished, has gained for us the greatest satisfaction. We are at our finest when we strive for our own worth. Granted, when we strive to alleviate the suffering of others we do show a magnanimity of great nobility, but it is only in the act of striving that we gain our reward, but it is often a shallow reward, especially when the results of those endeavors, bear forth more corruption and greater decay; noble motivations are no guarantor of beneficial outcomes. In fact, altruism by the state is not altruism at all, it is coercion, and coercion of the most corrupt kind, for it imposes a tyranny by the state of enforcing a false compassion of the collective peoples of that state, for the beneficiaries of the the states largess, all directed by a an unaccountable clique within the state apparatus. It is not the duty of the state to play philanthropist, but to govern the nation in the most economical and efficient methods, to bring peace and security to the population under its purview, and thereby allow the populace to achieve its own happiness under their own endeavors, for we take for granted that which is given to us, while we value that which we have to strive for. Or at least that should be the objective of the state apparatus, sadly of course the opposite is true, the state serves the vanity of shallow individuals, willing to follow party ideology in order to gain position and thereby assuage their craving egos, to lord it over others, to impose their views over all rational argument; there is not one servant of the people amongst them. Now that may be something of an over generalization, but not by much.

The state of human contentment is governed by one primary factor, under just what conditions we feel most comfortable in our lives. It is an inescapable fact that we are most comfortable around like mind people, similar to ourselves in outlook, bearing and goals, differences, are only acceptable in small measure, for constant difference breeds friction, and friction leads to conflict, always has and always will. Discontent is the harbinger of discord, and the parent of war. It is simply human nature in action, and no amount of social meddling by those who claim to know better will change that fact. So to force a conformity is simply to build up a pressure cooker of resentment, and when that resentment bursts then tragedy overtakes us. What foolish fools our elites are, court jesters does not even begin to describe their antics.

Through the insipid socialist agenda, ugly embittered Marxist dogmatics get their revenge for failure.

Yes rustresistance, you are right here, they do seek their revenge upon civil society which has rejected their greater understanding. The amazing thing is, just how many of them are circulating within Western societies. All the empirical evidence points a damning indictment of their world view, and yet they still persist, it is pure madness, nothing else explains it. Well, maybe one thing, by their murder of God at their own hands, they have lost anything greater than themselves in which to believe in, anything to strive for, therefore they simply must be gods themselves, and gods need sacrificial offerings on a regular basis, and what greater offerings can they bestow upon their alters to sanctify themselves, but human beings, live, bleeding and innocent human beings...welcome to the Aztecs of the twenty first century, as the high priests of Holy Marx rip out the living heart of human society.

Unknown said...

Let's say they achieve their goals. America and the West collapse, individualism is suppressed, tribalism and collectivism rule...and then what? - leelion

Pure, brutal chaos, but with them at the top, as kings and potentates.

Actually leelion, I really don't think they have thought the whole thing through that far. The most likely scenario is a replay of the miseries of the Soviet empire.

For what purpose? And what ultimate purpose after that purpose? Why? What are they afraid of, what do they hate so much?

For what purpose...to give meaning and purpose to their own wretched existence. The thing they are most afraid of is themselves; there is a void where the self should be, and because of this they seek themselves in the company of other lost souls and in the manipulation of others, as a distraction from their fears: anything, simply anything to avoid seeing themselves as empty vessels, which is actually what we all of us are, the difference is some of us have come to terms with who and what we are, but others find refuge in the company of like minded individuals. Ask yourself, what is the allure of gangs...simple...the sense of belonging, which relieves the fear of loneliness, the necessity of having to face yourself. The hardest thinking a human being can do is face themselves, who and what they truly are. Now if you have some talent this becomes a little easier, but not by much. What is teenage angst but the cry of youth in search of its own meaning. What we see is this same paradox played out in the political arena, by forces that have structured themselves in a more formal manner, in order to present a coherent argument, or at least one which is more plausible and therefore salable to the general public.

What they hate so much, is being found out for what they are. A rage burns inside, a rage caused by the realization of their own insignificance, as indeed we all are. We exist for a short span of years, we reproduce, we age, and then we die. With no belief in any higher purpose, just what is the point in this earthly existence. Now I happen to believe that the point is to really and truly find ourselves, and so become whole within ourselves, not an easy task for anyone. I do not believe that our gift of cognitive ability is simply an accident of happenstance. Now you can believe in whatever you will, I am not here to force any particular direction on that score; indeed belief and faith are simply that - belief, and as such are elementally a very personal endeavor; but given the human condition, given the destructive nature of man when he follows his own dictates, we, it would seem, desperately need a God. Given the craving of the human spirit for meaning, given the miracle of the structure of subatomic particles and they're infinitely variable assembly into life forms and solid concrete objects, given the awesome majesty of the stars above our heads and their perfect symmetry in the maintenance and generation of the life force, to believe that it is all happenstance, is to my mind, to walk away from asking any question of serious depth. Now I don't profess to now any great meaning and purpose in all this, just that there is a force greater than us behind all existence. Believe what you will, but if you believe in nothing then you will eventually believe in anything. And leelion, I believe that answers your first question.

Unknown said...

Blaming the ills of the world on the great individuals that espoused freedom, and promising a better world if only the students follow the path of capitulation to loss of identity, destruction of Nationhood , and prostration in the face of challenge. - rustresistance

You have hit upon a fundamental of Marxist philosophy here. The absolute necessity of Marxism to denigrate the accomplishments of great men and women; to reduce everything and everyone to a dull conformity. This need is due to their belief that great leaders by their actions, lead large masses of people into unpredictable and often damaging actions. This of course, has an undeniable element of truth in it, and an element of truth is essential to the spreading of a great lie, for without that truth people will simply not be convinced of any validity to the argument, therefore, they will not follow. Human beings are essentially herd animals, an uncomfortable thought I know, but it is true none the less.While we aspire to be individuals, we do not function well on our own, or at least we do not do so unless we have mastered our own fears and are bold enough to strike out on our own. Simply look at how many souls simply follow the leader, no matter how incompetent or deceitful he or she may be; this is often times through fear, but as often as not through sheer lazy convenience.

By demonizing the great minds and leaders of history, Marxism seeks to break the mold of human advancement and fashion it into one where conformity becomes the dictate of state control, and no one is able to lead the flock away from the fold.

Ask yourself, who led the people of Britain out of the greatest danger they had faced in a thousand years...a great man. Who had formulated and molded a great nation in the Americas, a collection of great men. Who inspired the ancient Greeks and consequently the Western world...the minds of the great philosophers. Who set the ancient Chinese on the course of a brilliant culture that survived almost two millenia,that sustained the people of China in their daily existance for all that time...all from the mind of one great man who dared to dream of a just society. Then of course there is the instance of the simple carpenter from Galilee, who changed the world beyond all recognition. Look to who the Marxists assail the most to see their greatest fears, for that which they assail, is that which they themselves are not: all must be dragged down to their level in order for them to be able to lord it over all.

Unknown said...

All of the above arguments are not to imply that each of those societies has been without fault, but each has been better by far than what has gone before, and each has held out the hope of a better tomorrow. Who can honestly say that about Marxism, without first denying reality on the ground; wishful thinking does not count for much in a world made up of ambitious connivers, of self seeking rent boys, of rapaciously greedy individuals, in short, in a world of people who are not good. A bit of a pessimistic view of man I know, but certainly closer to the truth than the view which believes that we all just want the same things and are in conflict because those things are deliberately withheld from us by some dark unforeseen forces: those forces are more often than not our own indolence.

Mark said...

JAR, any thoughts on what drives the anti-west anti-capitalist pro-socialist control freaks?

I know that you have asked this question to JAR; but allow me give you my five pennyworth.

In my opinion, it's quite simple: It's the desire to control others!

Mark said...

Look at the weasels desperately trying to bribe and inveigle Iran to release our marines. The biggest threat they can muster is to promise to publish map-coordinates. - Rustresistance

Yes, it's pretty pathetic, isn't it? Not the stuff of which GREAT countries are made.

Unknown said...

In my opinion, it's quite simple: It's the desire to control others! - Mark

Nice one Mark, trust you to find the short succinct answer, while I wonder around the houses.LOL Though I think we are both right.

This sorry mess is not going to be resolved without a great deal of pain I'm afraid.

Mark said...

JAR, I think we are both right. It's just that I cut to the chase; and you are, well let me say, just a tad more philosophical. :-) But it amounts to the same thing in the end.

leelion said...

Great posts. I'm going to print your's out JAR if you don't mind.

I have trouble getting my head around how socialist control freaks think as the process is alien to me.

It's as if they fear the good and the productive qualities they see in others - so they attack them.

How they loathe entrepenuers and industrialists. Maybe because they don't possess those qualities themselves? I don't know.

There's a real evil out there but so many ordinary folk are taken in by it. As Mark said the other day, look at the eyes of the Iranian President, like the eyes of other megalomaniacs, Chairman Mao, Hitler, etc, and the glassy-eyed-anti-human environmentalists seeking to rid the world of the scourge of man...

The more I learn of history and see what is happening in the world the more i believe that as Mark says, a new dark age, or something like it is happening or about to. Where to from here?

Mark said...

The more I learn of history and see what is happening in the world the more i believe that as Mark says, a new dark age, or something like it is happening or about to.

Leelion, when I wrote my book, The Dawning of a New Dark Age, I meant every word. As time passes, the more I see how accurate my title was, and the more I see that what I stated in my book is true.

We in the Western world are falling into the abyss; and I say that without a word of exaggeration! These are extremely challenging times, as you and I know only too well.

Where to from here?

The answer to your question depends very much on us, and on how much we are prepared to 'fight' (in the broadest sense of that word) for all that we have held dear, and for all that we know, in our heart of hearts, is so superior.

Unknown said...

Mark, as the prophetic nature of your book, "The Dawning of a New Dark Age" does attest, we are indeed headed into dark times, while most are simply asleep or in deep denial.

how much we are prepared to 'fight' (in the broadest sense of that word) for all that we have held dear, and for all that we know, in our heart of hearts, is so superior. - Mark

Yes indeed Mark, but alas, the vast majority are, as I said above, still asleep or in deep denial. However the first thing we must do is removed these sixties hippie Utopians who currently infest the corridors of power from anything to do with the offices of state. Once that is done we will see an easier road ahead, for then the people will have direction from leadership. Just listen to the people who take the time to comment, then consider that they probably represent just a small portion of the those who are awake, but unsure as to what to say or even if anybody would consider their opinions. However, I am afraid that we shall have to wait till the religion of peace takes that step too far, before the majority get up off their asses and force governments to take action; it will happen, just at what price will the corner be turned, and could it indeed be the precursor to the second fall of Rome, (but I don't think so). Modern political, democratic states are large cumbersome things, slow to react, but virtually unstoppable once action gains a momentum. I don't see Islam as having the strength in depth to deal with that eventuality. While they may have a fanaticism about them, several hundred mad catterwallers egging them on from the side lines, does not make for a formidable force in anything but a rabble, and that is their great weakness. For while they can create chaos and mayhem, their ability to sustain long term conflict is to put it mildly...nonexistent; once we finally go to war, it will not be a long fight; though if we are not to bequeath this endless conflict to another generation, we must be resolved to take this to its logical conclusion, which will require us to be quite ruthless, especially with the immams. No the real danger is from the demographics, the ability to simply breed themselves into power and authority, however given their own indolent nature and manners, with large numbers unemployed, and seeking a life of leisure at the tax payers expense, given ever greater numbers availing themselves of that unearned luxury; then the most likely scenario is that the social safety net will go bankrupt long before their numbers reach critical mass, causing untold disturbances in the social fabric, and bringing in its wake, actions and provocations that will simply be too outrageous, too demanding, and too untenable for the indigenous populations to ignore. Even the BBC will not be able to hide the chaos and destruction at that point, though they may of course blame everybody but the truly guilty. The resentment is there already, while they are nowhere near critical mass, so it is not going to take too much more to bring an end to the demographic assault. It is the chaos that will ensue when that plan fails, should the Western populations still be unprepared at that point in time, that is the truly scary part, for then we will see massive unrest and terrorism of unimaginable proportions; just what Israel experiences on a daily basis. With Iran set to get the bomb, she will assume a nexus of terrorist planning and support, to turn the chaos into greater despair.

Too many more political or military screw-ups from the current ruling cliques will see the people turn to alternatives, not necessarily to anybodies liking, but with the attendant sweeping away of the old order. The unelected enarques of Brussels wont know what hit them. They already strut around oblivious to the resentment simmering below their feet. Like all true mandarins, they live in a world of their own creation.

Yes this means we are in for a rough time, politically speaking, but nothing is a foregone conclusion. The further down this path of the Islamisation of Western society our leaders take us, the more violent will be the reaction against it. These would not be the first rulers who learnt to their detriment that the people were not always an easily amenable flock to be herded at will. They would not be the first to lose their collective heads over their over reaching designs.

mirrorman said...

Lee, JaR, Mark and all.
When I turned on this cranky old PC this morning to check the weather and what have you, I glanced to these pages and found this discourse on the destination of Humankind.
It is not to the erudite pages of "The Times" or "The Guardian" or "The New York Times" that I have come to find such intelligent and in depth thought about our lives and times, no, it is to Mark's humble blog.
I know that there must also be many hundreds of silent readers from all over the Globe, who keep coming back to find a different hill from which to view the world.
I sincerely wish you all well and keep it coming.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...


Thank you for that generous compliment.

And Mark, thank you for the forum in which we are able to have this discussion, err... even as it does allow me to hog the conversation. As you sat Mark, I tend to the philosophical side. Ho hum!

Mark said...

It is not to the erudite pages of "The Times" or "The Guardian" or "The New York Times" that I have come to find such intelligent and in depth thought about our lives and times, no, it is to Mark's humble blog.

Mirrorman, thank you! Thank you so much for your kind words.

Unknown said...

Mark. Further to your point how much we are prepared to 'fight'

I think much of this will depend upon the fear level of the general population, just how much outrage and anger can the religion of peace engender before people begin to take stock of their previously held assumptions, because in the face of such chaos and brutality, and the threat of real domination and the potential for slavery, all previously held views of peace, compassion and the brotherly love of fellow man, must of necessity, crumble into dust: live or die becomes the only question, that changes the mind into one of two choices, either stand trembling in fear like a lump of jello, or be resolved to concerted action to save your life and the lives of those you love, and incidentally, saving the lives of those nearest and dearest to you is often times the most powerful motivator.

The old cliche "There are no atheists in a fox hole", will certainly separate the wheat from the chaff. I think at that time we will see a great many souls reassessing their beliefs of convenience, and a likely return to a fundamental belief in the divine, in what form I wouldn't hazard a guess. Fear and desperation can be powerful inducements to seeking answers, maybe not necessarily always the right answers, but it forces the mind to think, to seek reason, even in a sea of Postmodernist muck which just makes the swimming that much harder.

Mark said...


I am only too glad that you all enjoy the forum. Keep your comments coming! All of you.

Mark said...


The old cliche "There are no atheists in a fox hole", will certainly separate the wheat from the chaff.

Yes, it's funny that in times of difficulty, people have a tendency to find solace in the divine, even those who deny the divine when the going is good.

Unknown said...

Hi leelion, first of all in answer to your question, no I don't mind if you print out my comments, but primarily in answer to your more pertinent question -"what drives the left, what motivates the socialists in their hate"

My original answer to this vexing question managed to leapfrog over some fundamental aspects of basic Marxist philosophy, yes, they are playing at little gods, but of course it is a little more complex than that. Though much of this discussion is more along the lines of psychology, my approach is from the philosophical end of it.

Within the Marxist / postmodernist frame of reference, with the death of God, something of equal or greater magnitude had to be put in its place. When you consider all religious beliefs, the one thing they all aspire to is for the believers to end up in the perfect place, because they have led exemplary lives according to the faith, this is simply true of all religious beliefs, though their terms of what constitutes the eternal good may indeed vary. With the murder of God, the Marxist by necessity had to replace heaven in the next life for Utopia down here on earth, for without it, just what would secular Marxist man be striving for. Think about it. Christians believe in ascending to heaven to be in the company of Christ and the angles, Buddhists, believe in eventually reaching Nirvana. Muslims in their grand orgy in paradise, and so on and so forth. They all aspire to a better life in the next existence. Atheists are kind of stuck with what we got in the here and now, which kind of explains why so many of them don't really like humanity all that much. But the true Marxist has to create heaven here on earth. The whole life's work of a Marxist, is to bring about the social paradise that Marx himself proclaimed was inevitable all those years ago, but first they have to perfect man, for just as in the Old Testament, man is fallen, man is corrupt, but soviet man is to be the perfect specimen, untainted by earthly corruption, not motivated by earthly desires, free of all flaws. But just how do you do that, for it is obvious to any with eyes to see, man is most assuredly a million miles from that now. Well if you can't bring the mountain to Mohammad, bring Mohammad to the mountain; you first off have to strip all morality of meaning, you must convince people that their reason is not reason, that their beliefs are foolish nonsense, you must shatter their self-confidence, you must destroy their belief in themselves. By sowing a field of lies, you must cultivate it so the seed germinates in the individual's mind, that he becomes part of the lie, and in so doing, you entrap his cognitive reason within the web of deceit which you have spun, and like the spider, you can then digest him at your pleasure, for he cannot escape, for he can no longer reason, he is complicit in the lies of his own unnatural existence. Once consumed in this manner, he is either sacrificed to the greater glory of "The Cause", or he is reborn, the new man, the perfect child of the new Gods, subservient to their every whim, placid and totally moldable to whatever design the masters desire.

Lets face it, as a plain commoner garden atheist, you are not going to garner too many followers if all you have to offer is life as we know it in this commercial and shallow world; no, ordinary atheism is for individualists and obscurantists, nothing wrong with that if that's what you wish to be, but if you wish a following, if you wish to control events, to be in control of others, then you need a base of strong support, you need followers, and in this great big world in which we live in, in order to be a force to be reckoned with , you need lots of them. There is only one way to assemble those kinds of numbers, you need religion. So if you can't find one to take over to suit your purposes, you create one, preferably by playing to the general train of events, by appealing to peoples venality and avarice and subverting that flow to the direction of your own design.

Enter the prophet Karl; with an impeccably logical argument, complete with a spreading of perfectly rational foundations,and a sequence of plausible steps, all leading to a totally false conclusion. Zeno of Elea was here 25 centuries ago, with the story of Achilles and the Tortoise. It simply took modern intellectual man, to fall for it, hook,line and sinker.

The longer the struggle continues, the greater the flaws and pitfalls of any faith are exposed, the more unshakable the conviction of the party faithful, then the more bitter and angry those same acolytes become, and bitterness is a corrosive poison which eats at the spirit of any man, till in the end it blinds all reason, except the will for revenge.

So you can see, those who would be lords of the brave new world, must be gods in order to fashion man into something different from what he is, for what he is is not suitable for the religion of Marx. Man must be destroyed in order to be remade in man's perfect image. God simply did a lousy job, but Marx is here to fix it.