Monday, February 19, 2007

The US has its ways

US contingency plans for air strikes on Iran extend beyond nuclear sites and include most of the country's military infrastructure, the BBC has learned.

It is understood that any such attack - if ordered - would target Iranian air bases, naval bases, missile facilities and command-and-control centres.

The US insists it is not planning to attack, and is trying to persuade Tehran to stop uranium enrichment.

The UN has urged Iran to stop the programme or face economic sanctions.

But diplomatic sources have told the BBC that as a fallback plan, senior officials at Central Command in Florida have already selected their target sets inside Iran. US ‘Iran attack plans’ revealed

Iran defiant on nuclear programme

Tehran alarm over US tough talk

Mark Alexander


John Sobieski said...

I would be disappointed if they had not ALWAYS had a comprehensive target list. Jeez.

Anonymous said...

Morons of the press, er.... that should be, members of the press:

Speaking as the wife of a retired military member--no sh*t they have plans for almost every contingency. Would you sleep better if they were clueless and made them up on the fly?

Mark said...

Would you sleep better if they were clueless and made them up on the fly?

Certainly not! But why do you ask that question? Who has intimated that he might be?

Anonymous said...


I prefaced my remarks by directing them at members of the press--certainly not at you.

Mark said...

Thank you, Heather, for the explanation. I didn't really think that you were directing the comment at me, though I wasn't sure if I was being misunderstood, or not. But as I know you to be a lady, so I was pretty sure that you were not targeting me. :-)

Ronbo said...

A giant bluff?

A leak of true intentions?

Yes, a comprehensive target plan by itself is one thing...but I would note Bush has moved yhe military power close to Iran so that all is needed is the green light from the White House for Iran to lose the flower of its military and nuclear establishment to an American air campaign.

Anyone remember Serbia?

A nation forced to surrender to an "Air Only" campaign.

BTW, Bush only said he wouldn't send in the infantry....Nothing was said about not sending in the aviation.

Cheers, Ronbo